What is the Queer Mutual Aid Fund?
The Queer Mutual Aid Fund is an initiative of Villa Vida Café and Verein Hint Wien. It exists to facilitate socio-economic solidarity across different queer/LGBTQIA+ communities in Vienna. The fund distributes microgrants to highly intersectional queer folx living in Vienna who are experiencing urgent and unexpected financial difficulties.
Many in our Vienna queer community are fortunate enough to experience stability and abundance. However, too many unseen LGBTQIA+ people experience dire hardship every day. Without the privilege or knowledge necessary to navigate formal systems, the most vulnerable people often find themselves locked out of basic care. The fund distributes microgrants to highly intersectional queer folx living in Vienna who are experiencing urgent and unexpected financial difficulties.
Mutual aid systems encourage cooperation across communities to meet the needs of all; especially in support of those who experience structural marginalization. The Queer Mutual Aid Fund is inspired by a belief that every queer individual can grow beautifully when supported, resourced, and cherished. It is not an act of charity. It is a powerful act of Vienna queer solidarity.
The fund is now open for applications in 2024!
This is a small effort to move people from crisis to community. We genuinely believe in our shared responsibility to help each other.
We prioritize the privacy and confidentiality of our applicants. All information shared during the application process is handled with the utmost care, ensuring that individuals feel safe seeking the support they need. A diverse panel of individuals within the queer community carefully reviews the anonymous applications, ensuring that decisions are made with empathy and understanding.

FAQ – Frequestly Asked Questions
Who can apply?
The application process for the Queer Vienna Mutual Aid Fund is restricted only to people aged 16 years and above living in Vienna who are a part of the queer community.
We welcome applications from all corners of the queer spectrum. Our fund is committed to inclusivity, understanding that the LGBTQIA+ community in Vienna is diverse, and individuals may face unique challenges based on their intersecting identities. In particular, the fund is a source of short-term or exceptional financial relief for queer folx who are regularly involved in highly intersectional, queer/LGBTQIA+ organizing, social work, peer learning, counseling, activism, or other forms of queer/LGBTQIA+ mutual support and volunteering in Vienna as part of queer communities.
What are the grants meant for?
The fund provides a one-off payment that can be used for issues like exceptional rent shortcomings, accommodation insecurity, medical emergencies, travel emergencies, unexpected bills, unexpected unemployment, and groceries.
What are the limits of the fund?
There is a limit to the amount that can be provided; depending on the type and number of requests received in any one submission phase. Available grants depend on the amount of money remaining in the fund.
Only one grant per individual can be provided at a time.
How does the fund work?
The fund was established so that queer individuals can find support without the burden of repayment. We understand that financial difficulties can disproportionately impact queer communities, and our goal is to provide a safety net that empowers individuals to navigate life’s challenges with dignity and resilience. Therefore, the aid from our fund is a gift, not a loan. Recipients are not expected to repay the funds they receive, allowing them to focus on their well-being and overcoming obstacles without the added stress of financial obligations.
Each application will be handled confidentially and as quickly as possible. Each application is allocated a reference number which is separated from the bank details of the application for internal auditing purposes.
The fund is coordinated and administered by Villa Vida and Verein Hint Wien. It is made possible through donations from across highly intersectional queer communities living in Vienna.
To make sure that the fund is supporting the community we want to empower on this first round, the names on the ID and/or the Meldezettel have to match the one with the Bank details.
How long does it take for applications to be reviewed?
There is a 2-week review period for applications. If eligible, we will confirm your identity and details in your application. Then we will send the agreed amount via bank transfer to your account. Most applicants will receive the money within 1-2 weeks after the approval of the application.
How can I donate to the Queer Mutual Aid Fund?
Queer Mutual Aid Funds is open for donations from individuals, businesses, and organizations that want to support the Viennese LGBTQIA+ community. Click here to donate online.
Bank info:
Hint.wien Verein
zur Förderung intersektionaler queerer Kultur
Partnerships: If you want to multiply your impact and help us grow and reach more queer/LGBTQIA+ folx in Vienna, leave us your details on the contact page, we would be more than happy to schedule a meeting, talk and explore the possibility of a partnership!